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Navigating the intricate landscape of cloud resources without a firm grasp on cost management isn’t just a challenge—it’s a financial risk.

In our progressively serverless world, organizations must exercise rigorous control over their cloud expenses to ensure top-notch performance, absolute security, and more critically, cost-effectiveness. When used skillfully, cloud cost optimization can be the beacon that illuminates the path to operational efficiency and magnified return on investment.

But how does one traverse this complex maze of pricing models, services, and best practices? In this exhaustive guide, we’re going to delve into the realm of cloud cost optimization, exploring its fundamental principles and its myriad of benefits. Most importantly, we’ll equip you with more than 10 practical, value-laden best practices to optimize your cloud cost management strategy.

By the end of this journey, you’ll not only understand the value of each dollar spent but also how to make each dollar work harder and smarter for your organization.

Maintaining Best Practices in Cloud Infrastructure for Cost Reduction

While the digital realm of cloud computing can be complex and challenging to navigate, the power of best practices lies in their ability to simplify, guide, and optimize your cloud journey. By adhering to these strategies, businesses can ensure that every penny invested in their cloud services is maximized for value, leading to a more cost-effective and sustainable cloud environment.

  1. Maximize Returns: By implementing best practices, you ensure every dollar invested in your cloud infrastructure works harder, providing maximum value in return.
  2. Prevent Cost Overruns: Unchecked cloud expenditure can spiral out of control faster than a meme going viral. Best practices keep these costs in check and prevent nasty surprises at the end of the billing cycle.
  3. Optimize Resource Usage: Not every cloud service you use needs to run at maximum capacity all the time. Best practices help identify where and when to scale resources, leading to significant savings.
  4. Forecast and Budget Accurately: When you know what to expect, you can plan better. Following cost optimization practices provides predictable patterns, enabling accurate budgeting and forecasting.
  5. Foster Innovation: Savings from your cloud expenditure can be redirected to innovate and experiment with new technologies and business strategies.

Cloud Cost Optimization, Best Practices, AWS, GCP, Multi Cloud, Examples, KPIs,

Right Sizing: Finding the Perfect Fit

Right sizing is all about aligning your cloud resources with your actual usage. It’s like choosing the perfect pair of jeans – not too tight, not too loose, just the right fit to move with ease. Oversized or undersized resources in your cloud environment can lead to unnecessary costs or poor performance.

Let’s look at how you can right size your resources in AWS and GCP:

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  1. Take Advantage of AWS Cost Explorer: This is a handy tool that lets you visualize, understand, and manage your AWS costs and usage over time. Use it to identify underutilized instances that could be downsized.
  2. Use AWS Trusted Advisor: This tool provides real-time guidance to help you provision your resources following AWS best practices. Trusted Advisor can point out when you’re overpaying for resources, and provide suggestions for optimization.
  3. Leverage AWS Compute Optimizer: It helps you identify ideal AWS EC2 instance types, considering both performance and cost. Use this tool for recommendations on instances that might be over-provisioned and could be downsized without sacrificing performance.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

  1. Use GCP’s Rightsizing Recommendations: These recommendations are automatically generated and suggest modifications to your instance’s machine type to help you save money and increase resource utilization.
  2. Consider GCP’s Custom Machine Types: Unlike the fixed machine types of other providers, GCP offers custom machine types. This means you can create the perfect machine type for your workload, matching exactly what you need and not a megabyte more.
  3. Leverage GCP’s Cost Table: It’s an easy-to-use tool that provides a detailed view of where your spending is going. It can help identify expensive resources that could be downsized or shutdown.

Right sizing is an ongoing process and should be part of your regular cloud cost management activities. By continuously monitoring and adjusting your resources, you ensure that your cloud infrastructure always fits perfect—optimizing costs without cramping your style or performance.

Cost-Effective Resources: Choosing efficient cloud services

When navigating the vast ocean of cloud services, making cost-effective choices is crucial for maintaining a lean and efficient cloud infrastructure. Here’s a look at how you can make strategic decisions in selecting cloud services that cater to your needs without inflating your cloud costs.

Picking the Appropriate Storage Classes:

Storage can make up a substantial part of your cloud costs. Both AWS and GCP offer a range of storage classes to match different access and retention needs.

  • AWS: Amazon S3, for example, offers the Intelligent-Tiering storage class, which automatically moves your data between two access tiers — frequent and infrequent access — depending on usage patterns. This ensures that you don’t overpay for frequent access storage when your data is rarely accessed.

GCP Storage Classes, GCP Storage Pricing, Google Cloud Platform, Standard, Nearline, Coldline, Archival, Storage Pricing,

  • GCP: Google Cloud Storage provides options like Nearline and Coldline storage for data that is accessed less frequently, offering lower storage costs compared to Standard storage.

Opting for the Right Instances:

Choosing the right instances based on your workload can lead to significant savings.

  • AWS: If your workload is memory-intensive, using R5 or R6g instances could be more cost-effective than general-purpose instances. On the other hand, compute-optimized C5 or C6g instances might be suitable for compute-intensive workloads.
  • GCP: Similarly, in Google Cloud, E2 instances can offer substantial savings for workloads with flexible CPU requirements, while N2 and C2 instances can be suitable for memory-intensive and compute-intensive workloads, respectively.

Auto Scaling: Implementing auto-scaling to handle traffic fluctuations

Efficient management of compute resources can be a defining factor in your cloud cost optimization journey. By leveraging auto-scaling capabilities provided by AWS and GCP, you can automatically adjust resources in line with traffic patterns and loads, ensuring optimal performance without unnecessary cost overheads.

AWS Auto Scaling:

In AWS, Auto Scaling allows you to maintain application availability and automatically add or remove EC2 instances according to conditions you define. For instance, you can scale out by adding more instances during peak demand to maintain performance, and scale in by removing unnecessary instances during off-peak hours to reduce costs.

AWS Auto Scaling is not limited to EC2 instances. You can also implement auto-scaling on other AWS services like DynamoDB, Aurora, and ECS based on demand or a defined schedule, helping maintain high availability and performance while keeping costs in check.

Google Cloud Auto Scaling:

Similarly, Google Cloud offers auto-scaling capabilities that automatically adjust your compute infrastructure based on your configured policies. Google Cloud Auto Scaling ensures that your applications have enough resources during peak traffic periods and reduces capacity during lulls to lower costs.

Auto Scaling in GCP extends beyond just Compute Engine. You can also implement auto-scaling on services like Google Cloud Run and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to automatically adjust resource allocation based on traffic patterns.

Taking Advantage of Reserved Instances & Committed Use Discounts

Strategic purchasing of cloud resources can lead to considerable savings in the long run. Both AWS and GCP offer opportunities for discounts through their respective models of Reserved Instances and Committed Use Discounts.

AWS Reserved Instances:

AWS Reserved Instances (RI) provide you with a significant discount (up to 75%) compared to On-Demand instance pricing. In exchange, you commit to use a specific instance type, in a specific region, for a term from one to three years.

You have the flexibility to choose among different types of RIs based on your needs:

  • Standard Reserved Instances: Offers the most significant discount and are best suited for steady-state usage.
  • Convertible Reserved Instances: Offers a discount and the capability to change the attributes of the RI as long as the exchange results in the creation of Reserved Instances of equal or greater value.
  • Scheduled Reserved Instances: These are available to launch within the time windows you reserve, enabling you to match your capacity reservation to a predictable recurring schedule.

AWS Reserved Instances Price List, Cloud Cost Optimization, Best Practices, AWS, Reserved Instances, Discounts, Pricing

Keep in mind, optimal use of RIs requires understanding your long-term needs, as they are non-refundable and each modification has potential implications on your savings.

GCP Committed Use Discounts:

Similar to AWS RI, Google Cloud’s Committed Use Discounts (CUDs) offer a discounted price in return for committing to use specific machine types in a particular region for a period of one or three years. The discount can go up to 57% off the regular price.

The commitment is based on resources and not instance types, which provides you with the flexibility to change instance sizes within the committed machine type. This can be beneficial when you require scalability and flexibility in your operations.

Like AWS RI, these contracts require a precise understanding of your long-term usage and are non-refundable. Therefore, before making any commitment, thorough analysis and planning of your workloads are advised.

Implementing Comprehensive Cost Monitoring and Budgeting

Ensuring that your cloud spending aligns with your budget and doesn’t unexpectedly skyrocket requires diligent monitoring and budgeting practices. Fortunately, both AWS and GCP offer built-in tools to aid in this task.

AWS Budgets and Cost Explorer:

AWS Budgets allows you to set custom cost and usage budgets that alert you when your costs or usage exceed (or are forecasted to exceed) your budgeted amount. With AWS Budgets, you can monitor your AWS costs and usage through an easy-to-use interface, and you are alerted via email or SMS when your usage exceeds your budget.

In addition to AWS Budgets, AWS Cost Explorer provides a more detailed set of tools for visualizing, understanding, and managing your AWS costs and usage over time. This service presents an intuitive interface that lets you view and filter cost data, allowing you to uncover trends, pinpoint cost drivers, and detect anomalies.

GCP Cloud Billing and Google Cloud Console:

Similarly, GCP Cloud Billing allows you to create budgets and set up budget alerts to be notified when your spend exceeds your allocated budget. GCP Cloud Billing provides reports that track your costs, and these can be customized to suit your specific needs.

Google Cloud Console complements GCP Cloud Billing by providing a comprehensive dashboard to monitor resource usage in real-time. It helps you track your operational metrics, giving you a clear view of your resource consumption and associated costs.

The key to successful budgeting and monitoring is regular reviews and adjustments. As your business and its needs evolve, so too should your cloud budget. Regular monitoring can help you identify trends, make informed decisions, and avoid budget overruns

Waste Management: Eliminating Unused or Underutilized Resources

Cloud wastage is a common pitfall that can lead to unnecessary costs. Resources that are unused or underused still incur charges, effectively draining your cloud budget for little or no return on investment. It’s critical to routinely identify and eliminate such resources to optimize cloud costs.

AWS Trusted Advisor:

On AWS, Trusted Advisor is a valuable tool for waste management. It inspects your AWS environment and provides real-time recommendations in several categories, including cost optimization. For instance, it can identify idle EC2 instances or unattached Elastic IPs, allowing you to cut down on unused resources.

GCP Operations Suite:

On the Google Cloud Platform, the Operations Suite (formerly Stackdriver) is a set of tools that provide insight into your cloud resources. It provides powerful monitoring, logging, and diagnostics capabilities that can help you identify underutilized instances. By using it, you can detect instances with low CPU or network usage, which might be better suited to a smaller (and cheaper) machine type.


Beyond these built-in tools, consider automation for waste management. You can set up automated scripts to switch off non-production resources outside of business hours or delete resources past a certain age. By taking a proactive approach to eliminate waste, you can streamline your cloud environment and further optimize costs.

Using Resource Tagging for Better Cost Allocation & Tracking

Implementing a robust tagging strategy is a fundamental best practice for cloud cost optimization. It provides visibility into your cloud expenditure by facilitating precise tracking and allocation of cloud costs.

AWS Resource Tagging

AWS supports tagging for most resource types. These tags are key-value pairs that can be allocated to your AWS resources. They can be particularly helpful when you need to organize resources by departments, projects, or any other logical group within your organization.

For instance, imagine you have multiple EC2 instances running across various projects. By tagging each instance with details like ‘ProjectName’, ‘Environment’, and ‘Owner’, you can get granular cost insights on a per-project or per-environment basis.

Moreover, AWS Cost Explorer can utilize these tags, allowing you to view and analyze your AWS costs at a granular level. This makes it easier to identify which resources are driving costs and where savings can be made.

How to tag GCP resources, inherited tags, key value pair,

GCP Resource Tagging

On the Google Cloud Platform, you can tag resources. Similar to AWS, these tags are key-value pairs that can be attached to various GCP resources. GCP’s cost breakdown feature can then use these labels to provide a detailed view of your spending. This helps your overall efforts in GCP cost reduction.

For example, if you have multiple Compute Engine instances across different projects, you could label each instance with ‘project_id’ and ‘department’. By doing so, you can track exactly how much each department is costing you in terms of Compute Engine usage.

Automated Alerts & Budget Alerts: Proactive Control of Your Cloud Spend

Keeping track of your cloud spend manually can be a laborious task. This is where automated alerts and budget alerts come into play. By setting up these alerts, you can get notified about any unusual spend or when your costs exceed a predefined budget. This way, you can maintain proactive control over your cloud expenses.

AWS Budgets and Alerts

In AWS, you can create custom cost and usage budgets through AWS Budgets. You can define the budget amount based on your cost forecasts and set up alerts to be notified when your usage or costs exceed (or are forecasted to exceed) your budgeted amount.

  • For instance, if you have set a monthly budget of $500 for your EC2 instances and your usage is projected to exceed this, AWS Budgets will trigger an alert. This provides you the opportunity to examine the cause and take necessary actions to curtail unnecessary spend.

GCP Budget Alerts

Google Cloud Platform offers a similar feature known as GCP Budgets and alerts. You can set up a budget for your estimated GCP usage costs and configure alert thresholds. When your actual or forecasted costs exceed these thresholds, GCP sends an alert to the specified email recipients.

  • For example, let’s say you have set up a budget alert for your App Engine usage. If your expenditure or forecasted costs exceed the alert threshold, you will be notified by email, allowing you to proactively manage your costs.

Setting Up KPIs: Benchmarking, Progress Tracking, and Cost Optimization

In the journey towards cloud cost optimization, having a clear set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is crucial. KPIs offer tangible measures of your progress and help ensure that your cloud operations align with your financial goals. Moreover, when it comes to financial operations (FinOps), setting up the right KPIs can aid in benchmarking, progress tracking, and ultimately, cost optimization.

Here are a few crucial FinOps KPIs you might consider implementing:

Unit Cost

The unit cost metric measures the cost of running each unit of your workload. For instance, you could track the cost per transaction for a database or the cost per 1,000 views for a video streaming service. By benchmarking and tracking this KPI, you can better understand how changes in your cloud environment affect your costs.

Spend per User

This metric looks at your total cloud costs in relation to your user base. It’s an especially valuable KPI for SaaS companies, as it can help identify whether infrastructure costs are scaling proportionally with user growth.

Resource Utilization

Resource utilization measures how effectively you’re using your cloud resources. High resource utilization is typically a sign of cost-efficient operations. On AWS, you can track resource utilization with Amazon CloudWatch, while GCP users can use Stackdriver for similar insights.

Cloud Waste

Cloud waste typically refers to resources that are paid for but not used or underutilized. This could include idle compute instances or unused storage volumes. Reducing cloud waste should be a key objective, and hence, it’s an essential KPI to track.

These KPIs, when tracked and reviewed regularly, can offer insightful trends and patterns that can guide your cloud cost optimization strategies. Remember, the ultimate goal here is to gain a detailed understanding of your cloud spend patterns, enabling you to make data-driven decisions for cost-effective cloud operations.

Secure Environment: Avoid Cost-Consuming Security Breaches

Ensuring security in your cloud environment is not just about protecting data and maintaining compliance. It also plays a significant role in cost optimization. A breach can lead to considerable financial losses, not just from remediation efforts but also due to business downtime and potential regulatory fines. Hence, investing time and resources in maintaining a secure cloud environment is paramount to avoiding these cost-consuming security breaches.

Here are some best practices for maintaining a secure cloud environment:

Regularly Audit Access and Permissions

On AWS, you can use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to define who can do what in your cloud environment. For GCP, similar controls are offered by Google’s IAM. Regular audits can help ensure that only authorized individuals have access to your resources.

Use Encryption

Both AWS and GCP offer encryption services for data at rest and in transit. For instance, AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and Google Cloud KMS allow you to create and manage cryptographic keys, which can be used to encrypt your data.

GCP Key Management System (KMS), BigQuery, Users, Data flow, authentication

Implement Security Groups and Firewall Rules

Security groups in AWS and firewall rules in GCP act as a virtual firewall for your instance, controlling inbound and outbound traffic. It’s important to set these up correctly to prevent unauthorized access to your resources.

Regularly Patch and Update

Ensure your instances are always running the latest security patches. AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager and GCP’s OS patch management service can help automate the process.

Enable Security Alerts

Services like AWS GuardDuty and Google Cloud’s Security Command Center can provide threat detection and alerts, helping you respond quickly to any security issues.

Investing in security upfront can prevent costly breaches down the line. Remember, a secure cloud environment is also a cost-optimized one.

Architecting for Cost

When designing your applications and services, it’s imperative to consider cost optimization in the architecture. This can aid in efficient scaling and leveraging the cloud’s innate adaptability and scalability to the maximum.

Here are some concrete strategies to keep in mind:

Serverless Architecture

Serverless architectures such as AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Functions enable you to execute code without provisioning or managing servers, which can substantially decrease both operational overhead and costs.

If you’re running an image processing function that is triggered when an image is uploaded to AWS S3 bucket, using Lambda can be a cost-effective option as you only pay for the actual processing time of the images.

Microservices Architecture

By building your application as a group of loosely coupled, independently deployable services (microservices), you can avoid over-provisioning and excessive payment for resources.

A cloud based e-commerce platform could have separate services for user authentication, inventory management, and order processing, each scalable based on their unique demands.


Decoupling your applications allows each module to scale individually, which can help you save costs by scaling precisely where necessary.

Using AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) or Google Pub/Sub, you can build an application where a high traffic data input does not overwhelm the processing component, as messages can be held in the queue and processed sequentially.


Caching strategies like Amazon ElastiCache or Google Cloud Memorystore can reduce the load on your databases, thus cutting down read costs and improving application performance. If your application features frequently accessed but rarely updated data (like product catalog in an e-commerce site), utilizing caching can significantly reduce database read costs.

Utilizing Managed Services

Managed services like Amazon RDS or Google Cloud SQL relieve your team from routine operational tasks, enabling them to focus on developing your application.

Managing a PostgreSQL database on your own would require you to handle tasks like backups, patch management, and failover yourself. Using a managed service like Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL would handle all these tasks for you.

By integrating cost considerations at the design phase, you not only avoid expensive re-architecting efforts later on but also build applications and services that are both performant and cost-effective.

Regular Cost Reviews and Audits: Identify Unnecessary Spending

As important as it is to set up effective cost optimization strategies, it’s equally crucial to revisit these strategies periodically to ensure their efficiency. Regular cost reviews and audits serve as a reality check, uncovering potential areas of wastage and opportunities for further savings.

Here’s how regular cost reviews and audits contribute to cloud cost optimization:

Expenditure Analysis

Conducting a regular analysis of your cloud expenditure can help reveal hidden costs or anomalies that may indicate resource inefficiency or wastage. For example, a sudden spike in your AWS EC2 or Google Compute Engine costs could signal an un-optimized autoscaling policy that needs immediate attention.

Resource Utilization Check

Regularly reviewing resource utilization metrics can help identify underused or idle resources that are adding unnecessary costs. For example, a consistently low CPU usage on an EC2 instance or a GCE instance could indicate that the instance is oversized for the workload it is handling. In such cases, right-sizing the instance could result in significant cost savings.

Compliance Audits

Periodic audits can help ensure that your cloud operations remain compliant with relevant policies and regulations, preventing potential legal complications and penalties. Moreover, security audits can uncover vulnerabilities that, if left unaddressed, could lead to costly breaches. Tools like AWS Security Hub or Google Cloud Security Command Center can assist in automating these audits.

AWS Security hub, Compliance, Audits, Risk Analysis, Risk Management, Security checks

Automation of Reviews and Audits

Automating your cost reviews and audits not only saves time but also improves accuracy by eliminating the possibility of human error. Tools like AWS Cost Explorer and Google Cloud Billing Reports can automate the tracking and analysis of your cloud spending, making the review process more efficient and reliable.


Cloud cost optimization is a multifaceted endeavor, involving a blend of technology choices, operational habits, and financial strategies. The best practices outlined in this article provide a solid foundation for any organization looking to get more value from their cloud expenditure.

However, managing and optimizing cloud costs is not a set-and-forget task. As your business evolves, so too will your cloud usage and spending patterns. Whether you’re a growing SaaS or a global MNC, effective cloud utilization is made highly simple by choosing the right cloud cost optimization tools  that ensures alignment between the usage and the business objectives.

This is where Economize steps in. Our suite of automated tools & integrations help streamline the cloud cost optimization process, effectively removing the burden of manual tracking and management. With Economize, organizations can gain insights, apply recommendations, and enforce best practices across their cloud environments—all at a fraction of the cost of traditional cloud management solutions!

Adarsh Rai

Adarsh Rai, author and growth specialist at Economize. He holds a FinOps Certified Practitioner License (FOCP), and has a passion for explaining complex topics to a rapt audience.

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