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Cloud sustainability is an upcoming initiative that will become increasingly necessary, and critical as we step into the transformative age of IoT (Internet of Things) and big data processing.

By 2025, more than 75% of enterprise-generated data will be created and processed outside the traditional data center or cloud, according to industry forecasts.

The concept of ‘GreenOps’ serves as a roadmap to this new paradigm, helping organizations measure, analyze, and reduce their carbon footprint without compromising on performance or scalability.

This article aims to delve into the basics of cloud sustainability, emphasizing its significance and tangible benefits for businesses. Beyond just providing a primer, we’ll explore how organizations can harmoniously implement both GreenOps and FinOps to achieve a well-rounded cloud strategyโ€”optimizing costs while reducing environmental impact.

What is Cloud Sustainability in Cloud Computing?


Cloud sustainability refers to the adoption of practices and technologies that minimize the environmental impact of cloud computing. It involves reducing energy consumption, optimizing resource utilization, and minimizing waste generation. The momentum behind cloud sustainability is propelled by an urgent need for collective action.

Cloud Sustainability, GreenOps, FinOps, Cost Optimization, Strategies, Metrics, KPIs, AWS

According to a recent AWS report, the IT sector accounts for nearly 26% of global carbon emissions. As businesses increasingly rely on cloud services, these numbers are set to rise, amplifying the need for sustainable solutions.

In a world where every decision counts, making the choice for a more sustainable cloud is a step in the right direction towards a greener, brighter future.

Benefits of Cloud Sustainability Initiatives for Businesses

By embracing cloud sustainability, organizations are not just ticking a box for corporate social responsibility; they’re also driving a wave of change that extends far beyond the workplace.

Lower Operational Expenses

Cloud sustainability offers the chance to lower energy consumption, leading to a substantial decrease in operational costs. Companies that adopt sustainable cloud solutions tend to spend less on electricity, as well as on cooling systems for data centers.

Sustainable Compliance and Reporting

Businesses committed to cloud sustainability have an easier time complying with environmental regulations. Transparent sustainability reporting is increasingly becoming a criterion for business contracts and can offer a competitive advantage.

Customer Trust and Brand Loyalty

Many consumers nowadays are concerned about the environment and prefer to engage with businesses that are making efforts to be sustainable. This can lead to increased customer trust and long-term loyalty.

Risk Mitigation

Environmental regulations are becoming stricter. By adopting sustainable cloud practices now, companies can stay ahead of future regulatory changes, mitigating the risk of non-compliance and potential penalties.

Gartner Hype Cycle 2023: Positioning of Cloud Sustainability

Cloud Sustainability, GreenOps, FinOps, Cost Optimization, Strategies, Metrics, KPIs, Gartner

Understanding the Gartner Hype Cycle

The Gartner 2023 Hype Cycle is a graphical representation of the life cycle stages that a technology goes through from conception to maturity and widespread adoption. It serves as a strategic tool for organizations to gauge the maturity and market adoption of emerging technologies.

The cycle is divided into five key phases: the Innovation Trigger, the Peak of Inflated Expectations, the Trough of Disillusionment, the Slope of Enlightenment, and the Plateau of Productivity.

Positioning of Key Technologies in 2023

Two technologies currently at the peak of the Gartner Hype Cycle 2023 are Generative AI and Pervasive Cloud. While these technologies promise to revolutionize business operations, they come with their own sustainability challenges.

  • Generative AI: This technology demands a significant amount of computational power, which translates into increased energy usage.
  • Pervasive Cloud: As businesses migrate to the cloud to leverage its cost-efficiency, the adoption has led to a spike in data centers’ energy consumption.

Cloud Sustainability: A Middle-of-the-Road Reality

Interestingly, Cloud Sustainability sits midway in the Hype Cycle, which signifies its growing importance yet underdeveloped potential. By 2025, it’s estimated that every person in the world will interact with a data center every 18 seconds, and data centers will consume 20% of the worldโ€™s power supply.

This makes the initiative not just advisable but imperative. Businesses looking to maintain both cost-efficiency and eco-responsibility will find this initiative a key element in their long-term strategy.

Introducing GreenOps


GreenOps is a systematic approach to enhancing cloud sustainability by focusing on energy efficiency, optimal resource use, and the adoption of renewable energy sources.

Acting as a roadmap for organizations embarking on their cloud sustainability journey, GreenOps draws significantly from FinOps practices to align both environmental and financial goals. This alignment allows for a robust strategy that benefits not only the environment but also the business’s bottom line.

Elements of a GreenOps Centric Framework

A GreenOps framework focuses on several key elements:

  • Well-Architected Framework: Incorporates best practices from platforms like AWS, Azure, and GCP to improve performance, scalability, security, and more, thereby contributing to cloud sustainability.
  • Operational Automation: Deploys automation to manage and monitor cloud resources, thereby reducing energy consumption from unnecessary resources.
  • Active FinOps Integration: Utilizes FinOps best practices to optimize cloud resource usage and indirectly save energy through measures like server consolidation and rightsizing compute instances.
  • Passive Sustainability Practices: Involves redesigning and re-architecting applications to make them lighter, self-healing, and self-controlled in terms of resource usage.
  • Tool Integration: Merges GreenOps and FinOps tools to automate operational tasks, minimize manual activity, and gauge benefits through both business and technical KPIs.

GreenOps vs FinOps – Differences & Functionalities


Focuses on reducing the environmental footprint by optimizing energy usage and adopting sustainable energy sources. It primarily aims to minimize energy consumption and increase the use of renewable energy in data centers.


Geared toward aligning financial accountability with cloud consumption. It prioritizes cost transparency and continuous cost optimization by monitoring patterns and leveraging cost-effective cloud services.

Using FinOps with GreenOps: A Hand-in-Hand Strategy

The success of cloud operations rests on the harmonious integration of sustainability and cost management. GreenOps and FinOps not only share overlapping philosophies but also complement each other in delivering a robust, sustainable, and financially efficient cloud ecosystem.

Common Principles and Beliefs

Both methodologies hinge on the principle of optimization. While GreenOps focuses on reducing environmental impact through resource optimization, FinOps puts an emphasis on cost transparency and optimization. This mutual goal of resource efficiency is the nexus where GreenOps and FinOps intersect.

Synchronized Harmony for Cloud Success

By integrating GreenOpsโ€™ focus on environmental conservation with FinOps’ financial management techniques, organizations can achieve a balanced cloud strategy. Here’s how:

  1. Unified Dashboard: Creating a unified dashboard that showcases both energy consumption metrics and cost metrics can streamline decision-making.
  2. Resource Alignment: Both FinOps and GreenOps advocate for resource rightsizingโ€”adjusting the resources to fit the actual needs without overprovisioning. This rightsizing not only cuts costs but also lowers energy usage.
  3. Automated Monitoring: Employ automated tools to simultaneously monitor the sustainability index and cost-efficiency, triggering actions like shutting down idle resources or shifting to reserved instances.
  4. Feedback Loops: Establish feedback loops that incorporate data from both financial and sustainability metrics, thereby enabling continuous improvement in both arenas.
  5. Strategic Planning: Incorporate both GreenOps and FinOps objectives into the long-term strategic planning for cloud management. This ensures alignment with organizational goals related to both sustainability and cost management.

Measuring Cloud Sustainability- GreenOps Metrics & Benchmarks

Cloud architects and engineers hold considerable sway over the sustainability of an organization’s cloud infrastructure. Acknowledging this responsibility begins with a structured approach to measuring carbon footprints.

Inspired by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which serves as the global standard for greenhouse gas accounting, emissions are typically divided into three distinct scopes:

  1. Scope 1: These are the emissions your organization produces directlyโ€”think internal combustion in company vehicles or emissions from facilities.
  2. Scope 2: This category includes indirect emissions, such as those resulting from purchased energy for organizational use.
  3. Scope 3: This is a more complex beast, encompassing emissions your organization indirectly influences through its value chain, both upstream and downstream. These emissions include everything from manufacturing processes of your suppliers to the emissions resulting from customer use of your products.
Cloud Sustainability, GreenOps, FinOps, Cost Optimization, Strategies, Metrics, KPIs, Efficiency


Cloud giants like AWS, GCP, and Azure have made strides in providing tools and recommendations to optimize the carbon footprint of your technical stacks. These tools often target Scope 1 and 2 emissions, offering comprehensive solutions for net-zero emissions.

However, there’s a glaring gap when it comes to Scope 3 emissions. While they contribute to over 80% of an organization’s carbon footprint, current cloud service platforms don’t offer insights into these emissions.

Cloud Sustainability Benchmarking & Measurement Tools

Understanding your sustainability footprint starts with the right tools, and the market is awash with options designed specifically for GreenOps objectives.

  • Azure Sustainability Calculator: Designed for Azure’s business customers, this Power BI application offers insights into the carbon emissions tied to Azure services.
  • AWS Customer Carbon Footprint Tool: This tool goes beyond just providing cost and usage reports. It also supplies data such as carbon emissions by services, geography, and overall AWS carbon emissions statistics.
  • Cloud Carbon Footprint: An open-source solution, Cloud Carbon Footprint allows for granular-level analysis, from comparative energy usage over time to carbon emissions across multiple cloud providers. It even provides actionable recommendations for emission reductions.

KPIs and Metrics for Measuring Cloud Sustainability

While tools provide the data, you still need to know what to measure. There are three key indicators to consider:

  1. Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE): This ratio between the total energy consumed by a data center and the energy used specifically by computer equipment is a pivotal metric for assessing the energy efficiency of your cloud operations. Aim for a provider with a low PUE score.
  2. Carbon Usage Effectiveness (CUE): An evolution of PUE, CUE measures the total CO2 emissions caused by the total energy consumption of the data center. Itโ€™s tailored for data center metrics, making it a more rounded measure of environmental impact.
  3. Energy Reuse Factor (ERF): This measures the ratio of reused energy to the total energy consumed in a data center. The goal here is to maximize this ratio, demonstrating a higher rate of energy recycling.

By integrating these key performance indicators into your sustainability strategy, you can achieve steady optimizations in both cloud costs and carbon footprints.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Also Asked

How does cloud computing affect sustainability?

Cloud computing can have both positive and negative impacts on sustainability. On the positive side, it allows for resource sharing, reducing the need for individual data centers. However, the massive scale of cloud operations can also lead to significant energy consumption and carbon emissions.

What is the difference between GreenOps and FinOps?

GreenOps focuses on environmental sustainability in cloud operations, aiming to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. FinOps, meanwhile, concentrates on the financial aspects, helping organizations manage and optimize cloud costs effectively.

What are some examples of green computing in cloud computing?

Green computing in the cloud includes practices like optimizing server usage to reduce energy consumption, using renewable energy to power data centers, and employing cooling technologies that minimize environmental impact.

Which cloud is the most sustainable?

The sustainability of a cloud service is measured by its carbon footprint, energy efficiency, and use of renewable resources. Companies like AWS and Azure have made significant strides in committing to renewable energy, but Google has the most environmentally-friendly cloud infrastructure. 


As IT emissions continue to increase, the importance of cloud sustainability cannot be overstated. New technologies such as Generative AI and quantum computing require a high amount of compute power, which in turn has high electricity, energy, and waste demands.

GreenOps is a framework that puts organizations on the roadmap towards sustainable cloud usage. When combined with FinOps, it results in an incredible, wholesome cloud utilization.

If youโ€™re looking to explore the transformative potential of FinOps and cloud usage optimization, these related topics might be of interest:

FinOps Topics

Cloud Cost Optimization

We hope this article has illuminated the dynamic landscape of GreenOps and sustainable cloud usage.

Adarsh Rai

Adarsh Rai, author and growth specialist at Economize. He holds a FinOps Certified Practitioner License (FOCP), and has a passion for explaining complex topics to a rapt audience.