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What is AWS CloudTrail?

Effective management and optimization of resources are essential for businesses to exploit the full potential of cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS). As businesses increasingly migrate their operations to cloud platforms like AWS, ensuring data integrity, the confidentiality of sensitive information, and adherence to regulatory standards become paramount concerns. To address these challenges organizations require robust monitoring and auditing solutions, and AWS CloudTrail emerges as an essential tool in the AWS infrastructure.

AWS CloudTrail is a comprehensive logging and monitoring service provided by Amazon Web Services. It facilitates governance, compliance auditing, risk management, and operational troubleshooting by providing a detailed history of events occurring within an AWS account. From API calls to resource modifications, CloudTrail captures a comprehensive trail of activities, enabling organizations to gain insights into user actions, resource changes, and system behavior.

AWS CloudTrail, CloudTrail workflow, AWS cloud

How CloudTrail works

CloudTrail operates by continuously monitoring and recording API activity across various AWS services. When enabled, it captures events such as user logins, resource creations, modifications, deletions, and changes to security configurations and access policies. These events are logged in JSON format and stored in an Amazon S3 bucket, where they can be accessed, analyzed, and archived for auditing and compliance purposes.

By recording these events, AWS CloudTrail enables organizations to track user actions, investigate security incidents, meet compliance requirements, and troubleshoot operational issues effectively. These captured events are then delivered to CloudTrail logs, providing a detailed audit history.

Features of AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail serves as a centralized audit log, empowering you to reconstruct activity and identify potential security concerns or configuration changes within your AWS environment. CloudTrail plays an important role in strengthening your AWS security by offering the following benefits:

  • Threat Detection and Investigation: CloudTrail empowers you to identify and investigate potential security threats. By monitoring API calls, you can detect unauthorized access attempts, unusual activity patterns, or any deviations from your established security protocols. This allows for prompt investigation and mitigation of potential security breaches.
  • Simplified Compliance: CloudTrail simplifies adherence to various industry regulations and compliance standards that mandate activity auditing. It provides a centralized log of events, facilitating the generation of comprehensive reports for regulatory audits.
  • Streamlined Troubleshooting: CloudTrail serves as a valuable resource for troubleshooting and root cause analysis. When encountering issues within your AWS environment, the detailed audit logs can pinpoint the specific API call that triggered the problem, saving you time and effort in resolving the situation.
  • Cost Management Insights: CloudTrail can aid in cost management by providing insights into resource utilization. By analyzing API calls related to specific services, you can identify potential areas for cost optimization

CloudWatch vs CloudTrail

Amazon CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail play crucial roles in monitoring your cloud environment. However, they serve distinct purposes.

Amazon CloudWatch acts as a monitoring tool, providing real-time insights into the health and performance of your AWS resources. It collects metrics on various aspects like CPU utilization, network traffic, and application errors. This allows you to identify potential issues and optimize resource usage.

AWS CloudTrail focuses on auditing and compliance. It continuously logs API calls made within your AWS account, recording who made the call, what action was taken, and on which resource. This detailed history provides a valuable resource for tracking user activity, troubleshooting security incidents, and ensuring adherence to regulations.

While CloudWatch helps you understand how your resources are performing, CloudTrail provides a record of what actions are being taken within your account.

CloudTrail Pricing Structure

AWS CloudTrail follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model. It offers a tiered pricing structure based on the volume and type of data ingested into your event data stores. It has a free tier and paid tier pricing model. The key features offered in these CloudTrail tiers are event history, lakes, trails, and insights.

Free Tier

Like most other AWS services, CloudTrail offers a free-tier limit. This is a good option for low-usage scenarios or for testing purposes. The features offered in the free tier are Event History, Lake, and Trails.

Event History

This refers to the readily accessible, viewable, and downloadable record of past management events within a specific AWS Region. CloudTrail automatically captures these events for the past 90 days. Event history provides a basic level of audit logging for your AWS account activity. It’s important to get an understanding of these for subsequent AWS Cost Optimization.

CloudTrail Lakes:

CloudTrail Lakes is a managed data lake service offered by AWS. It goes beyond the basic event history by offering a scalable and centralized repository for storing, querying, and analyzing all your CloudTrail events, including management events, data events (detailed information about resource activity), and Insights events (automated insights identified by CloudTrail). Unlike event history, CloudTrail Lakes allows you to retain data for much longer periods (up to 10 years) and provides powerful query capabilities using SQL-based syntax.


Trails are configurations within AWS CloudTrail that define what events are captured and where they are delivered. When you enable CloudTrail, you create a trail that specifies the AWS services and resources you want to monitor. A trail acts as a filter, directing relevant API calls to be recorded as events. You can also configure trails to deliver events to different destinations like Amazon S3 buckets for long-term archival or Amazon CloudWatch Logs for real-time monitoring and analysis.

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Paid Tier

CloudTrail Lakes

In the paid tier of CloudTrail Lakes, you incur charges for ingesting data (volume and type), retaining it for a chosen period (one or seven years), and querying the stored data. This cost structure allows you to optimize expenses by tailoring data retention and query practices to your specific needs.

AWS CloudTrail Lakes, Amazon cloudTrail pricing, CloudTrail paid tier, CloudTrail pricing for data ingestion and data retention


The paid version of CloudTrail trails incurs charges for management events delivered to Amazon S3 storage and data events delivered to the S3 bucket. It’s important to note that if your organization utilizes an organization trail in the management account, any management events replicated by member account trails are considered additional copies and are subject to charges.

AWS CloudTrail, Amazon cloudTrail pricing, CloudTrail paid tier, CloudTrail data events, CloudTrail management events, CloudTrail pricing


AWS CloudTrail offers a pay-as-you-go option for its CloudTrail Insights feature. You can choose to analyze specific events within your CloudTrail trails or CloudTrail Lake event data store, incurring charges only for the events you analyze. This allows for flexible cost management as you can enable Insights selectively for either trails or the lake, not requiring activation for both.

AWS CloudTrail insights, Amazon cloudTrail pricing, CloudTrail paid tier, CloudTrail pricing

AWS CloudTrail Cost Optimization Strategies

AWS CloudTrail offers strong security and compliance benefits by recording API calls within your account. Hence, it’s essential to manage its associated costs effectively.

Avoid logging duplicate events

By default, AWS CloudTrail trails capture all management events, which can lead to unnecessary duplication if multiple trails are configured to monitor the same events in the same region. To optimize costs and streamline log data, it’s crucial to verify the Read and Write event settings for each CloudTrail trail. By selectively enabling only the necessary event categories (Read or Write), you can ensure CloudTrail captures the most relevant data for your auditing and compliance needs while minimizing storage and processing charges.

Optimizing Logs with Data Events

Beyond its core function of recording API calls, AWS CloudTrail offers a nuanced approach to logging activity within your AWS account. It differentiates between management events and data events. The data events come with a significant increase in log volume. To optimize storage and cost management, AWS CloudTrail allows you to selectively enable data event logging. This means you can choose to log data events only for critical resources or specific actions that require close scrutiny. This granular control empowers you to maintain a comprehensive audit trail while minimizing the volume of generated logs and the associated storage costs.

Archive older logs to S3 Glacier

While retaining logs in the readily accessible S3 Standard class is ideal for frequent analysis, it can be financially tiring for long-term archiving. S3 Glacier is a secure, ultra-low-cost storage class specifically designed for infrequently accessed data. By implementing S3 Lifecycle policies, CloudTrail logs can be automatically transitioned to Glacier after a defined period, significantly reducing storage costs compared to S3 Standard.

OLM Log Retention

AWS CloudTrail offers granular control through S3 Object Lifecycle Management (OLM) policies. These policies define a retention period for logs in their original, readily accessible format within S3 Standard. Once this period elapses, OLM can automatically transition older logs to the ultra-low-cost S3 Glacier for long-term archival. Also, OLM allows for the optional deletion of logs in Glacier after a predefined timeframe, ideal if long-term access isn’t required.


AWS CloudTrail plays a vital role in securing your AWS environment by providing a comprehensive audit trail of user activity and resource changes. This fosters robust compliance and simplifies security investigations. While the service offers a free tier for basic needs, understanding its pay-as-you-go pricing structure empowers you to optimize costs without compromising security. By implementing the right strategies you can achieve a cost-effective balance between security and storage efficiency.

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Heera Ravindran

Content Marketer at Economize. An avid writer and a zealous reader who specializes in technical content and has a passion for all things Cloud and FinOps.

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