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Introduction to Google Cloud Functions Pricing Structure

Google Cloud Functions offers a cost-effective and scalable serverless computing solution, allowing developers to execute code in response to various events without managing servers. Cloud Functions pricing works according to how long your function runs, how many times it’s invoked, and how many resources you provision for the function. Understanding your Cloud Function cost is essential for optimizing budget management and ensuring compliance.

This guide aims to demystify Google Cloud Functions pricing structure, helping developers and decision-makers understand how costs are accrued and how to manage them effectively.

What is Google Cloud Function?

Google Cloud Functions is a powerful, serverless compute solution that provides developers with scalability and efficiency in running their code. This platform allows you to execute code in response to events without the need to manage servers or runtime environments.

google cloud functions pricing, google cloud functions pricing calculator, Google Cloud Functions Cost example

Google Cloud Functions supports multiple development languages, including Node.js, Python, Go, and Java, ensuring that developers can work in their preferred programming languages. It integrates seamlessly with other Google Cloud services like GCP Cloud Scheduler, Google Cloud Run, Google Cloud SQL, GCP Cloud VPC, etc offering a robust, interconnected cloud environment that enhances application performance and reliability.

What Factors Determine Google Cloud Function Costs?

Google Cloud Functions pricing is calculated from the moment your function is invoked until it terminates or returns a response. This is billed to the nearest 100 milliseconds, making efficient code crucial for managing costs. Execution time depends not only on the complexity of the function but also on the chosen runtime environment and the efficiency of the code itself. Reducing unnecessary computation and optimizing algorithms can significantly decrease execution times and, consequently, costs.

Google Cloud Functions provides a flexible, serverless environment that allows developers to execute code in response to events without managing servers. This efficiency comes with a variety of pricing components that can affect the overall cost of using the service. Let’s dive into a detailed explanation of these factors, ensuring a deeper understanding of how you can manage and optimize your costs.

Practical Uses of Google Cloud Functions

As a Function as a Service (FaaS) platform, it plays a pivotal role in serverless computing, enabling developers to build and deploy applications without managing the underlying infrastructure. This capability offers several significant applications, particularly in areas such as real-time data processing, Internet of Things (IoT) services, and integration with BigQuery for data analytics.

Google Cloud Function Costs, Google Cloud Functions pricing example, Google Cloud Function Cost calculation, Google Cloud Function use cases, FAAS Use Caes, Google Cloud Function Application
  • Serverless Computing: Simplifies the deployment and scaling of microservices and APIs by eliminating the need for server management.
  • Real-Time Data Processing: Enables instantaneous data processing and analysis by triggering functions in response to specific events.
  • IoT Services: Facilitates real-time data ingestion and processing from connected devices for responsive and intelligent IoT applications.
  • Integration with BigQuery: Supports automated data workflows and complex analytics by seamlessly integrating with Google’s fully managed data warehouse.

Google Cloud Function Free Tier

Cloud Functions offers a free tier, providing monthly allocations of

  • 2 million invocations per month.
  • 400,000 GB-seconds of compute time.
  • 200,000 GHz-seconds of compute time.
  • 5GB of outbound data transfer per month.

This tier is valued at Tier 1 pricing regardless of function location, but usage deduction reflects the actual region’s tier. This tier enables risk-free experimentation and small-scale deployments, making it valuable for developers and organizations exploring cloud computing solutions.

Apart from free tier Google Cloud Functions pricing is determined by:

  1. Invocations: The number of times your function is executed.
  2. Compute Time: The duration for which your function runs.
  3. Resources Provisioned: The amount of memory and CPU allocated for your function.
  4. Network Requests: Charges for outbound data transfer.
  5. Storage Costs: Fees for storing function images in Container Registry or Artifact Registry.

Invocations Pricing

Function invocations are charged at a flat rate, regardless of the source of the invocation. This includes HTTP requests, background events, and API calls. The first 2 million invocations per month are free, providing a substantial allowance for small-scale applications or testing.

Invocations per MonthPrice per Million
First 2 millionFree
Beyond 2 million$0.40
Google Cloud Functions Pricing – Invocations Cost

Compute Time Pricing

GCP Cloud function execution is meticulously measured and billed based on compute time. This metric begins when a function receives a request and ends upon completion, failure, or timeout. Compute time is quantified in 100 millisecond increments, rounding up for precise billing. For instance, a 260-millisecond execution would be billed as 300 milliseconds.

The cost structure for compute time is dynamic, reflecting the allocated memory and CPU resources. Two key units are employed in this calculation:

  • GB-Seconds: This unit represents one second of execution time with 1 GB of allocated memory.
  • GHz-Seconds: This measures one second of execution time with a 1 GHz CPU allocation.

It’s crucial to note that memory, disk size, and network usage are calculated using the binary gigabyte (GB) system, where 1 GB equals 2^30 bytes, also known as a gibibyte (GiB). CPU speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz), with 1 GHz equating to 10^9 Hertz.

Cloud Functions can be provisioned as one of the following types:

MemoryvCPU1Price/100ms (Tier 1 Price)Price/100ms (Tier 2 Price)
128MB.083 vCPU$0.000000231$0.000000324
256MB.167 vCPU$0.000000463$0.000000648
512MB.333 vCPU$0.000000925$0.000001295
1024MB.583 vCPU$0.000001650$0.000002310
2048MB1 vCPU$0.000002900$0.000004060
4096MB2 vCPU$0.000005800$0.000008120
8192MB2 vCPU$0.000006800$0.000009520
16384MB24 vCPU$0.000013600$0.000019040
32768MB28 vCPU$0.000027200$0.000038080
Google Cloud Functions Pricing – Compute Time Cost

The compute cost is calculated based on GB-seconds and GHz-seconds as follows:

UnitTier 1 PricingTier 2 Pricing
GB-Second$0.0000025 ($0.0000025 idle)$0.0000035 ($0.0000035 idle)
GHz-Second$0.0000100 ($0.000001042 idle)$0.0000140 ($0.00000146 idle)
Google Cloud Functions Pricing

Networking Pricing

In GCP, Outbound data transfer is measured in gigabytes (GB) and billed at a consistent rate. This pricing model encourages careful consideration of data movement patterns. Data transfers to other Google APIs within the same region are provided free of charge. This regional optimization incentivizes architectures that leverage geographically proximate services. Additionally, inbound data transfer incurs no cost, further supporting data-intensive operations.

Outbound Data$0.12
Outbound Data per month5GB Free
Inbound DataFree
Outbound Data to Google APIs in the same regionFree
Google Cloud Functions Pricing – Networking Cost

How are Google Cloud Functions Billed?

Now, let’s delve into Google Cloud Functions pricing calculations for a simple event-driven function, highlighting the different components that contribute to the overall cost.

In our example, we have a simple event-driven function with the following specifications:

  • Memory: 128MB
  • CPU: 200MHz
  • Invocations: 10 million times per month
  • Execution Time: 300 milliseconds per invocation
  • Data Transfer: Only uses Google APIs (no billable outbound data transfer)

This example aims to provide clarity on how the Google Cloud Functions pricing model works, focusing on invocations, compute time, and networking.

Calculation Breakdown


The function is invoked 10 million times per month.

Compute Time

To calculate the compute time, we use the following formula:

Compute Time (GB-seconds per invocation)=(128 MB1024 MB/GB)×0.3 s=0.0375 GB-seconds per invocation

Compute Time (GHz-seconds per invocation)=(200 MHz1000 MHz/GHz)×0.3 s=0.0600 GHz-seconds per invocation

For 10 million invocations per month:

10,000,000 invocations×0.0375 GB-seconds=375,000 GB-seconds per month

10,000,000 invocations×0.0600 GHz-seconds=600,000 GHz-seconds per month


There are no billable outbound data transfers in this example, as the function only uses Google APIs.

Pricing Components

Let’s break down the pricing for each component based on the calculations above.

ComponentTotalFree TierBillableUnit PriceTotal Price
Invocations10,000,0002,000,0008,000,000$0.0000004 per invocation$3.20
GB-seconds375,000400,0000$0.0000025 per GB-second$0.00
GHz-seconds600,000200,000400,000$0.0000100 per GHz-second$4.00
Networking0 GB5 GB0 GB$0.12 per GB$0.00
Total / Month$7.20
Google Cloud Functions Pricing Per Month for a Simple Event-driven Function

In this example, the total monthly cost for running the simple event-driven function is $7.20 per month. This calculation includes the invocation charges and the compute time costs, both of which are crucial components of the Google Cloud Functions pricing model.


A thorough understanding of the Google Cloud Functions pricing structure is essential for effective financial planning and optimization within the cloud environment. By carefully analyzing the costs associated with invocations, compute time and networking, businesses can better manage their cloud expenditures and maximize resource utilization. Google Cloud Functions offers a transparent and scalable solution, allowing developers to focus on creating efficient, responsive applications without the burden of server management.

Incorporating FinOps strategies can further enhance your GCP cost management, enabling organizations to optimize their cloud spending while achieving high performance and resource efficiency. With Google Cloud Functions, businesses can achieve a balanced approach to innovation and cost-effectiveness, ensuring sustainable growth and a competitive edge in the evolving cloud infrastructure.

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Heera Ravindran

Content Marketer at Economize. An avid writer and a zealous reader who specializes in technical content and has a passion for all things Cloud and FinOps.

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