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To achieve financial stability and long-term success, setting up a well-planned budget is essential. To achieve this financial stability, AWS offers several pricing options. These diverse pricing mechanisms are designed to facilitate more effective budget management in the cloud environment. The Savings Plan, particularly within AWS SageMaker, offers a path to reduce your cloud costs significantly. A thorough knowledge of the AWS SageMaker Savings Plan helps businesses with the insights to make the right decisions about their machine-learning infrastructure.

This article is intended to give IT professionals and business executives a comprehensive understanding of how the AWS SageMaker Savings Plan helps to reduce your cloud expenditure.

Understanding AWS SageMaker

AWS SageMaker is a fully managed service that simplifies the process of building, training, and deploying machine learning models on the cloud. Amazon SageMaker provides an end-to-end machine learning service that simplifies every step of the ML workflow. By automating tasks such as data labeling and model tuning, SageMaker allows for faster production and reduced operational costs. It supports large-scale model training and provides easy access to hundreds of pretrained models, making it an essential tool for developers looking to innovate quickly.

AWS sagemaker savings plan, machine learning, cost optimization
Source: AWS

AWS SageMaker is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing AWS infrastructure, making it a powerful tool for developing and deploying machine learning models. It offers everything from managed ML algorithms to flexible distributed training options to build and train your ML workflows.

What is the AWS SageMaker Savings Plan

The AWS SageMaker Savings Plan is an innovative pricing model designed to provide cost-effective solutions for users. Savings plan offers you the opportunity to commit to a fixed amount of usage, measured in dollars per hour, over a one or three-year term. By entering into this commitment, users can enjoy significantly reduced rates—up to 64% lower than on-demand pricing.

Under the Savings Plan, you are charged at a discounted rate for usage up to the level of their commitment. Any usage beyond this committed amount is billed at the standard on-demand rates. This pricing model is not only flexible but also automatically adjusts to changes in the deployment environment. For example, users can switch from using a CPU instance like the ml.c5.xlarge in the US East (Ohio) region to an ml.Inf1 instance in the US West (Oregon) region for inference workloads and still benefit from the reduced Savings Plan rate.

What is AWS SageMaker Savings Plan

The AWS SageMaker Savings Plan is a flexible pricing model that offers up to 64% savings on machine learning usage by committing to a fixed amount over a one to three-year term

Below is a detailed comparison of the AWS SageMaker Savings Plan rates and On-Demand rates of some of the AWS SageMaker offerings in the U.S East region.

Instance typeSavings Plans rateOn-Demand rateSavings over On-Demand
Comparison between AWS SageMaker Savings Plan vs On-demand Pricing

AWS SageMaker Savings Plan vs. On-Demand

The AWS SageMaker Savings Plan and On-Demand pricing are two different approaches offered by AWS to help you manage and predict your machine learning expenses on the SageMaker platform. The AWS SageMaker Savings Plan is designed for users who can predict their machine learning usage and are willing to commit to a specific amount of compute usage. SageMaker Savings plan offers significant cost savings compared to on-demand rates by allowing you to purchase compute power in advance at a reduced rate.

On-demand pricing is a more flexible option that requires no upfront payment or long-term commitment. Users pay for compute capacity by the second with no long-term commitments or upfront payments. This model is ideal for businesses with unpredictable usage that prefer not to commit to a specific amount of compute time in advance.

Choosing between AWS SageMaker Savings Plan and On-Demand pricing depends largely on the specific needs, budget constraints, and usage patterns of your organization. The Savings Plan is best suited for enterprises with stable and predictable usage patterns that can estimate their machine learning workload over a longer period whereas, on-demand pricing is more suitable for projects with variable usage or those in the experimental phase.

How Does the Savings Plan Benefit Organizations?

The Savings Plan covers a variety of SageMaker functionalities, including usage in SageMaker Studio Notebook, SageMaker On-Demand Notebook, SageMaker Processing, SageMaker Data Wrangler, SageMaker Training, SageMaker Real-Time Inference, and SageMaker Batch Transform. The plan applies specifically to eligible SageMaker ML instances, which have both a Savings Plan rate and an On-Demand rate, allowing users flexibility in managing their machine learning resources while optimizing costs effectively.

The AWS SageMaker Savings Plan offers a range of benefits to organizations, enhancing their ability to manage costs while benefitting from SageMaker’s advanced machine-learning capabilities.

  • Cost Reduction: One of the most significant advantages of the AWS SageMaker Savings Plan is the potential for substantial cost savings. Organizations can save up to 64% compared to on-demand pricing by committing to a consistent amount of machine learning compute usage over a one or three-year period. Such predictable spending enables organizations to allocate their financial resources more effectively.
  • Budget Predictability and Control: By committing to a set amount of usage, organizations can better predict their cloud spending, which simplifies budget planning and financial management. This predictability helps in avoiding unexpected costs and provides you with a clear view of future expenditures, aiding in more accurate forecasting and financial stability.
AWS Sagemaker Savings Plan pricing, Sagemaker savings plan vs on-demand pricing, Amazon sagemaker savings plan model
Source: AWS
  • Operational Flexibility: The AWS SageMaker Savings Plan offers flexibility not just in cost, but also in usage. Organizations can shift their usage between different types of eligible machine learning instances across any AWS region, without affecting their savings plan rates. This means that an organization can adapt to changing business needs while maintaining its cost benefits.
  • Maximized Resource Utilization: The savings plan incentivizes organizations to fully utilize their commitment, pushing them towards optimizing their machine learning and computational strategies. This can lead to improved efficiency as teams are motivated to ensure that all reserved resources are being used effectively, thus maximizing the return on investment.
  • Strategic Allocation of Savings: The savings achieved through the plan can be strategically reallocated to other critical areas of the business. This might include investing in additional R&D, expanding into new markets, or enhancing other IT infrastructure, thus driving further growth and innovation within the organization.

How to Maximize Your AWS SageMaker Budget

Effective cost management ensures that resources are used efficiently without compromising performance or flexibility. Let’s explore some strategies to optimize cost with Amazon SageMaker.

  • Select the Right Instance Type: Carefully evaluate whether your workload requires CPU or GPU resources. While GPUs offer high performance, they also come with higher costs. Start with the minimum required instance type, and scale up only if necessary. For non-GPU-intensive tasks, standard CPU instances like the ml.m* family may suffice. Transition between instance types as needed to optimize cost.
  • Maximize Instance Utilization: Avoid unnecessary expenses by stopping notebook instances when not in use. Implement automated scripts or AWS Lambda functions to detect idle instances and manage their lifecycle. Schedule start and stop times, particularly outside of working hours, to ensure resources are only consumed when needed.
  • Leverage Managed Spot Training: Utilize Amazon SageMaker’s managed spot training to reduce the cost of training models by up to 90%. Spot Instances are a cost-effective alternative to On-Demand Instances for jobs that can handle interruptions. Configure your training jobs to use Spot Instances whenever possible, and set appropriate stopping conditions.
  • Use Pre-Trained Models and Higher-Level APIs: Save on training costs by leveraging pre-trained models and AWS APIs such as Amazon Rekognition and Amazon Comprehend. These services provide ready-to-use models optimized for specific tasks, eliminating the need for extensive training and fine-tuning of custom models, thus reducing both time and cost.
  • Optimize Hosting with Multi-Model Endpoints: Reduce the cost of hosting multiple models by using Amazon SageMaker’s multi-model endpoints. This feature allows you to host several models on a single endpoint, improving resource utilization and reducing overhead. Additionally, consider using Amazon Elastic Inference to add low-cost GPU acceleration only when necessary, further optimizing the cost of deep learning inference.


The AWS SageMaker Savings Plan is a strategic asset for any organization aiming to optimize its cloud expenditures without sacrificing performance. By adopting this plan, businesses can enjoy substantial cost savings, enhanced budget predictability, and the flexibility to adapt to evolving workloads. Coupled with best practices in instance management and resource optimization, SageMaker Savings Plan empowers ensures that your machine learning initiatives are both cost-effective and scalable. This approach not only supports immediate goals but also sets the stage for sustained success in the cloud.


Q. How to maximize your aws SageMaker budget?

A. Maximize your AWS SageMaker budget by selecting the right instance types, leveraging managed spot training for cost-effective compute, and optimizing resource utilization through strategies like stopping idle instances and using multi-model endpoints.

Q. What is AWS SageMaker endpoint?

A. An AWS SageMaker endpoint is a fully managed service that allows you to deploy and host machine learning models for real-time inference. It provides a scalable and secure environment to serve predictions from your trained models with low latency.

Q. How to save money with SageMaker?

A. To save money with SageMaker, commit to the AWS SageMaker Savings Plan for up to 64% off on machine learning usage and optimize costs by leveraging managed spot training, right-sizing instances, and utilizing multi-model endpoints.

Q. What is the benefit of SageMaker?

A. SageMaker simplifies the entire machine learning workflow by providing a fully managed service for building, training, and deploying models, reducing operational complexity and costs. It accelerates model development, enabling faster innovation with scalable and integrated tools.

Looking to Optimize your Cloud Costs?

Ready to transform your cloud economics? Don’t let runaway costs hold your business back. With Economize, you can effortlessly slash your cloud expenditures by up to 30%. Book a free demo with us today and discover how we can help you start saving in as little as 10 minutes.

Heera Ravindran

Content Marketer at Economize. An avid writer and a zealous reader who specializes in technical content and has a passion for all things Cloud and FinOps.

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