Table of Contents

Introduction to AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is a revolutionary serverless compute engine for containers that simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications. By abstracting away the underlying infrastructure, Fargate allows developers to focus on building and running applications without worrying about server management. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential features of AWS Fargate, explain how it functions, and compare it with other similar AWS services. We’ll also dive into the pricing structure of AWS Fargate and share some tips on how to optimize it for peak performance.

What is AWS Fargate?

AWS Fargate is a cutting-edge serverless compute engine designed to simplify the deployment and management of containerized applications. It integrates seamlessly with Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service) and Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service), allowing you to run containers without having to provision or manage servers. Fargate takes care of provisioning, scaling, and managing the infrastructure required to run your containers, so you can focus solely on your applications.

What is AWS Fargate, AWS Fargate Architecture, aws fargate serverless

The beauty of AWS Fargate lies in its ability to abstract the complexities of infrastructure management. Instead of dealing with the intricacies of server management, developers can define the container’s requirements, and Fargate handles the rest. This approach simplifies the deployment process and enhances scalability, reliability, and security.

Core Features and Benefits of AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate provides a range of features and benefits that make it an attractive choice for developers and organizations looking to streamline their cloud infrastructure. Here’s a detailed look at the core features and benefits of AWS Fargate:

  • Serverless Container Management: AWS Fargate offers a serverless approach to container management, meaning you don’t have to worry about provisioning or managing servers. You define the container’s requirements, such as CPU, memory, and networking, and Fargate takes care of the rest. This allows you to focus on developing and running applications without the overhead of managing the underlying infrastructure.
  • Seamless Integration with AWS Services: Fargate integrates seamlessly with Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS. This integration provides a consistent environment for container management and orchestration, whether you are using ECS for simpler container setups or EKS for more complex Kubernetes deployments. It also integrates with other AWS services like AWS CloudWatch for monitoring, AWS IAM for security, and AWS CloudFormation for infrastructure as code.
  • Enhanced Security: Security is a top priority with AWS Fargate. Each task or pod runs in its own isolated environment with its own dedicated kernel, reducing the risk of cross-container vulnerabilities. Fargate also integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to provide fine-grained access control, and it supports network security features like Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) integration, security groups, and private networking.
  • Greater Flexibility and Scalability: AWS Fargate provides the flexibility to run containerized applications of any size. It scales resources automatically based on your application’s needs, ensuring optimal performance and cost efficiency. This makes it ideal for applications with variable workloads, such as microservices, web applications, and batch processing tasks.
  • Cost Efficiency: Fargate’s pay-as-you-go pricing model helps reduce costs by ensuring that you only pay for the resources you use. There are no idle resources or over-provisioning costs, making it a financially efficient option for running containerized applications. This cost model is particularly beneficial for startups and small businesses with limited budgets.

How AWS Fargate Works?

AWS Fargate works by abstracting the underlying infrastructure required to run containers. When you deploy a container with Fargate, you define the task or pod specifications, such as CPU and memory requirements, and Fargate provisions the necessary resources to run the container.

How AWS Fargate Works, Step-by-Step Guide to Using AWS Fargate, Amazon Fargate pricing, aws fargate tutorial

Step-by-Step Guide to Using AWS Fargate

  1. Define Your Task: Create a task definition in Amazon ECS or a pod specification in Amazon EKS, specifying the required resources, Docker image, networking, and storage configurations.
  2. Submit Your Task: Deploy the task or pod to the Fargate launch type in Amazon ECS or EKS.
  3. Fargate Provisions Resources: Fargate automatically provisions and manages the infrastructure needed to run your container, including servers, networking, and storage.
  4. Run Your Application: Fargate launches the container and manages its lifecycle, handling scaling and monitoring to ensure optimal performance.
  5. Pay for What You Use: You only pay for the vCPU and memory resources that your container consumes, with billing calculated based on the duration of the task or pod.

This seamless process allows you to focus on developing and deploying applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Comparing AWS Fargate and Other AWS Services

While AWS Fargate offers numerous advantages, it is essential to understand how it compares to other AWS services like Amazon EC2 and AWS Lambda to make an informed decision about which service best suits your needs. This comparison will highlight the key differences, strengths, and ideal use cases for AWS Fargate, Amazon EC2, and AWS Lambda.

AWS Fargate vs EC2 Instances

Fargate provides a serverless environment for running containers, meaning you don’t need to manage any underlying infrastructure. It handles all the server provisioning, scaling, and maintenance for you. This allows developers to focus on their applications without worrying about infrastructure details.

AWS Fargate vs EC2 Instances

With Amazon EC2, you are responsible for managing the entire infrastructure. This includes provisioning instances, configuring the operating system, handling updates, and managing scaling. EC2 offers more control over the environment but requires more effort and expertise in managing the infrastructure.

AWS Fargate vs AWS Lambda

Fargate is designed for long-running, containerized applications. It is ideal for use cases that require complete control over the runtime environment, such as microservices, web applications, and batch processing tasks. Fargate supports a broader range of workloads, including those with continuous or unpredictable usage patterns.

AWS Fargate vs AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda provides a serverless platform for executing short-lived, event-driven functions, making it an excellent choice for lightweight, trigger-based tasks. While Lambda offers automatic scaling and resource management, Fargate provides more control over the runtime environment and is suitable for a broader range of applications.

AWS Fargate vs Amazon ECS

AWS Fargate offers a serverless solution for containerized applications, handling all infrastructure management, which makes it ideal for simple, automated scaling and cost-effective for variable workloads.

AWS Fargate vs Amazon ECS

Amazon ECS, however, provides more control and flexibility by allowing you to choose between Fargate’s serverless model or EC2 for custom infrastructure needs. This is beneficial for complex applications requiring specific configurations and cost-saving options like reserved instances and spot pricing. Whether you need simplicity or customization, both services cater to different container management needs on AWS.

Understanding the Pricing Model of AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate pricing is determined by the vCPU, memory, operating system, CPU architecture, and storage resources that your container uses. The cost calculation begins from the moment your container starts downloading its image and continues until the Amazon ECS task or Amazon EKS pod stops running, rounded up to the nearest second. You have the flexibility to configure these five dimensions independently for each task or pod, allowing you to tailor the resources to your specific needs while managing costs effectively.

Operating systemCost per vCPU per hourCost per GB per hourOS license fee – per vCPU per hour
AWS Fargate Pricing Table for Specific Operating Systems

Fargate Spot Pricing for Amazon ECS

AWS Fargate Spot is an economical way to run your Amazon ECS tasks by utilizing spare capacity at a significant discount (i.e) up to 70% off the usual Fargate rates. It’s designed for tasks that can handle interruptions, offering a great way to save on costs. With Fargate Spot, you only pay the current Spot price for the duration your tasks are running. These prices are dynamically set by AWS Fargate and can change gradually, reflecting long-term trends in the supply and demand for Spot capacity. Below, you’ll find a table showing the current Spot prices per vCPU-hour and GB-hour for different regions US East (N. Virginia).

per vCPU per hour$0.012144
per GB per hour$0.0013335
Fargate Spot Pricing for Amazon ECS

Fargate Ephemeral Storage Pricing

Every AWS Fargate task and pod comes with 20 GB of ephemeral storage included at no extra cost. If you need more storage than this default allocation, you’ll only be charged for the additional storage you configure. The cost for extra storage is quite minimal, at approximately $0.000111 per GB per hour. This pricing model ensures that you have a generous amount of storage to start with, and any additional capacity you might need is affordable and easy to manage, keeping your costs predictable and straightforward.


AWS Fargate simplifies container management by removing the need for server administration, offering a serverless solution that enhances scalability and cost efficiency. Understanding its features and comparing it with services like Amazon EC2 and AWS Lambda helps you make the right decisions for your cloud strategy. With flexible pricing options, including cost-saving Fargate Spot and affordable storage, Fargate is a powerful tool for modern cloud deployments.

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Heera Ravindran

Content Marketer at Economize. An avid writer and a zealous reader who specializes in technical content and has a passion for all things Cloud and FinOps.

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