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AWS Cost Anomaly Detection stands out as a powerful tool that monitors and identifies unusual spending patterns across your AWS services. Whether you’re managing costs at the service level, monitoring multiple linked accounts, or keeping an eye on specific cost categories, AWS Cost Anomaly Detection offers the flexibility and precision you need to maintain financial efficiency.

In this article we will delve into the intricacies of AWS Cost Anomaly Detection, exploring how this powerful tool can help organizations monitor and manage their cloud expenses more effectively.

What is AWS Cost Anomaly Detection

AWS Cost Anomaly Detection is an advanced feature that leverages machine learning to automatically identify unusual spending patterns within your AWS services. Designed to help organizations manage and control cloud costs, this tool detects anomalies in your billing data, enabling you to take swift action before unexpected expenses escalate. The service works by continuously analyzing your AWS usage data to spot irregularities that deviate from your typical spending behavior.

AWS Cost anomaly Detection, 	
how to setup aws cost anomaly detection, AWS cost management
Source: AWS

When an anomaly is detected, AWS Cost Anomaly Detection sends alerts through your chosen communication channels, such as email or Amazon SNS, ensuring you stay informed about potential cost issues. You can customize the monitoring to focus on specific AWS accounts, services, regions, or cost categories, allowing for a highly contextualized and accurate analysis. AWS Cost Anomaly Detection integrates seamlessly with AWS Cost Explorer, offering a powerful combination of real-time monitoring and in-depth cost analysis to enhance your financial management strategy.

Features of AWS Cost Anomaly Detection

AWS Cost Anomaly Detection automatically detects spending anomalies across various AWS services and provides timely alerts, allowing you to address potential issues before they escalate. Below are the key features of AWS Cost Anomaly Detection that make it an essential component of cloud cost management:

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AWS cost management, Create cost monitor, Analyze root cause
Source: AWs

1. Pre-built and Custom Monitors

AWS Cost Anomaly Detection offers flexibility in monitoring your cloud costs. You can create pre-built or custom monitors to evaluate spending anomalies at a granular level. This allows you to segment your spending by specific services, linked accounts, AWS cost categories, or AWS cost allocation tags. For example, you can build monitors tailored to individual linked accounts or cost categories, ensuring that your monitoring is aligned with your organization’s specific financial goals.

2. Alert Subscription Setup

Once you’ve created your cost monitors, AWS Cost Anomaly Detection allows you to set your alerting preferences based on a dollar threshold. This feature ensures that you only receive alerts for anomalies that have a significant impact on your budget, such as those exceeding $1,000. The system automatically defines what constitutes an anomaly and adapts over time, removing the need for manual configuration of anomaly parameters.

3. Real-Time Anomaly Alerts

After setting up your monitors and alerts, AWS Cost Anomaly Detection begins its work within 24 hours. You’ll receive notifications when any cost anomalies meet your defined alert thresholds. This proactive alert system ensures that you are promptly informed of any significant deviations in spending, allowing you to take immediate action. Additionally, you can track all detected anomalies through the Anomaly Detection dashboard, even those that fall below your alert threshold.

AWS Cost anomaly Detection, 	
AWS cost management, AWS cost alerts, AWS cost monitoring
Source: AWS

These features collectively make AWS Cost Anomaly Detection a powerful tool for maintaining control over your cloud expenses, ensuring that your organization remains financially efficient in its cloud usage.

Monitor Types Available in AWS Cost Anomaly Detection

When managing your AWS costs, it’s essential to choose the right type of monitor that aligns with your account structure and organizational needs. AWS offers several types of monitors, each designed to cater to different aspects of cost monitoring and anomaly detection. Here’s an overview of the various AWS monitor types available:

AWS Services Monitor

The AWS Services Monitor is ideal if your organization doesn’t need to segment spending by internal divisions or environments. This monitor automatically evaluates all AWS services used by your individual AWS account for any anomalies. One of the main advantages is that as new AWS services are added, this monitor automatically begins tracking them without requiring manual configuration. It provides a comprehensive overview of all services under a single account, making it easy to manage and monitor costs.

Linked Account Monitor

The Linked Account Monitor is designed for organizations that need to evaluate the total spend of individual or grouped member accounts. This monitor is particularly useful if your organization segments costs by teams, products, services, or environments. You can select up to 10 member accounts for each Linked Account Monitor, allowing you to track and analyze spending patterns across different parts of your organization.

Cost Category Monitor

If your organization uses cost categories to manage and organize spending, the Cost Category Monitor is the appropriate choice. This monitor evaluates costs based on a specific key-value pair within your defined cost categories, helping you manage spending according to your organizational structure. It’s especially useful for businesses that want to track costs by specific categories such as departments, projects, or products.

Cost Allocation Tag Monitor

Similar to the Linked Account Monitor, the Cost Allocation Tag Monitor is useful for organizations that need to segment spending by specific teams, products, services, or environments. However, this monitor focuses on a single key but can track multiple values associated with that key. You can select up to 10 values for each Cost Allocation Tag Monitor, enabling detailed cost tracking within specific segments of your organization.

When setting up monitors, it’s recommended to avoid creating monitors that span multiple types. Overlapping monitors can lead to the evaluation of the same spend multiple times, potentially generating duplicate alerts, which can complicate cost management efforts.

Why do you need AWS Cost Anomaly Detection?

AWS Cost Anomaly Detection provides your organization with a system to prevent significant financial overruns. Here’s why AWS Cost Anomaly Detection is critical:

  • Proactive Cost Management: AWS Cost Anomaly Detection allows you to proactively manage your cloud spending by identifying and alerting you to unusual cost patterns. This early detection enables you to take swift corrective action before small issues escalate into major financial concerns.
  • Precision in Monitoring: The tool uses advanced machine learning models to analyze your spending patterns, ensuring that you receive accurate alerts for genuine anomalies while minimizing false positives. This precision helps you focus on actual issues without being overwhelmed by unnecessary notifications.
  • Customization and Flexibility: AWS Cost Anomaly Detection provides customizable monitoring options, allowing you to tailor the system to your organization’s specific needs. Whether you want to monitor specific services, accounts, or cost categories, you can set up the tool to provide relevant and actionable insights.
  • Risk Mitigation: By quickly identifying unexpected cost spikes, AWS Cost Anomaly Detection helps mitigate the risk of budget overruns and financial surprises. This is crucial for organizations operating under strict budget constraints or those planning to scale their cloud operations.
  • Operational Efficiency: With automated alerts and a user-friendly dashboard, AWS Cost Anomaly Detection streamlines the process of tracking and managing cloud costs. This allows your IT and finance teams to focus on higher-value activities, knowing that the system is continuously monitoring for potential issues.


By implementing AWS Cost Anomaly Detection, businesses can not only safeguard their cloud investments but also enhance their overall cost management strategy. This proactive approach to cost monitoring helps mitigate risks, improve budget control, and ultimately drive better financial outcomes for organizations of all sizes. As cloud environments continue to grow and evolve, having a reliable system in place to detect and address anomalies becomes essential for sustaining operational and financial efficiency.

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Heera Ravindran

Content Marketer at Economize. An avid writer and a zealous reader who specializes in technical content and has a passion for all things Cloud and FinOps.

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